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Sharing Your Story
Why You Joined Liberty


We are so excited you made the decision to become a partner here at Liberty Outreach Center in 2024!  We pray you have begun to grow more familiar with our community; we would love to hear about your personal journey that led you to join our church.

  • Why did you choose to become a part of Liberty?

  • What aspects of our worship services resonated with you?

  • Did a particular message or teaching inspire you?

  • How did you feel welcomed and connected to our community?


We would Love for you to take a moment to share your story with us. If you don’t mind we’d like for you to record a selfie video and send it to us.  Or you can schedule a time with our media team to record you as well. If you would like to submit your own video, just complete the form below and upload your video.  It doesn't have to be long, just you sharing your journey that brought you to Liberty, you're experience and any other information on your heart.

We believe that by sharing our individual experiences, we can deepen our understanding of each other and strengthen our community as a whole.

We Appreciate you so very much and Thank You as we continue to STIVE in 2025

Pastors Teajai & Jewel Allen

You give Liberty Outreach Center permission to share the contents of your video submission.
Yes, I give LOC permission to share and use my video for ministry and marketing purposes


Any questions about this website can be emailed to:

Liberty Outreach Center is a Family Church in West Baltimore Maryland 21216

with exciting kids programs, an energetic atmosphere, and Christ-Centered messages.

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